Saturday, June 03, 2006
First real walk about the city
Today I took a 4 hour walk around the town and have realized no one walks. Everyone takes a moto (a motorcycle taxi). I visited Wat Phnom which sits on a hill overlooking the whole city. There is even a resident elephant named Sam Bo who walks along the rivers' (there are actually two merging into a third) promenade every evening. Sam Bo was not chained up, just sitting under the tree looking at folks looking at him. I guess you can feed him bananas but I did not try this. The second pic of the wat itself (a wat is a temple). There were monkeys all around the wat. They were not too friendly. I saw one bite the hand of a small boy. I kept my distance from the critters after that. Tonight, I took in a full dance recital that developed around dancers with disabilities. It was quite remarkable. Sunday I will head out to two other wats and maybe take in the museum.